Markets regulator Sebi's board on Monday reviewed the norms for appointing specific key officials of stock exchanges and other market institutions, along with a cooling-off period before they can join a competing institution. These measures are aimed at ensuring that MIIs (market infrastructure institutions) are staffed with qualified, independent key management personnel (KMPs) and directors while safeguarding market integrity through effective cooling-off policies.
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The Indian rupee surged to 85.63 per dollar, erasing 2025 losses amid strong foreign inflows and exporter dollar sales. The currency gained 2.1% in March, outperforming Asian peers. Foreign portfolio investors bought $1.3 billion in stocks and bonds, supporting the rupee's appreciation.
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Niftys 7% March rally is driven by a rare triple moverising stock markets, falling bond yields, and a stronger rupee. Market expert Sandip Sabharwal sees further upside as investors holding cash may re-enter, supporting continued momentum.
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Akasa Air's CEO, Vinay Dube, highlights the airline's rapid growth and ambitious expansion plans to become one of the world's top 30 airlines by aircraft count by 2030. The Indian aviation sector is poised for substantial growth with the addition of new aircraft and airports, ensuring increased capacity and improved infrastructure.
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A lot of these impacts are yet to be seen. So, I would not be overjoyed by the markets going up just now. It is a normal phase when markets they fell about maybe 20%, but that is about it.
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