Students with math aptitude who'd like to start their careers at $55,000 should explore NIU's new bachelor's degree program in actuarial science. Professor Rama Lingham, director of the math department's Statistics Division, says job prospects are excellent, especially in this...
Financial Services
(Cape Town, South Africa. 10 December 2007): Actuaries in Africa are coming together to take a leading role in the continents capacity building and accelerate access to financial services for more Africans. An Africa Actuarial Task Force has been...
Financial Services
New Wiki Will Create New Opportunities for Actuarial Exam Students and Actuaries alike CHICAGO, IL., March 20, 2008 The Actuarial Outpost announced today that it has launched its actuarial wiki. The wiki will be used to compile information about...
Financial Services
Bellevue-based Symetra Life Insurance Company recently announced the launch of a new product to help protect retirees from outliving their savings. The Symetra Freedom Income Annuity1 functions as longevity insurance. It enables clients to use a small portion of current...
Financial Services
Hospital Admissions Fall 17% After Scottish Law Enacted; Businesses Balk at Restrictions By JEREMY SINGER-VINE When Scotland prohibited smoking in enclosed public areas and workplaces after March 2006, researchers found: A 14% reduction in admissions for acute coronary syndrome among...
Financial Services