Because I don't like to spend money I go to visit the local library to find reading materials, the latest book that I've borrowed is proving to be an absolute gem. The book is The Secret of Candlestick Charting, by Louise Bedford. It is quite strongly targetted at stock inveseting ...
I know that I said I was going to hold my aussie dollar position long term, though well I'm a chicken and I got greedy, after it suffered for a day it has finally climbed again and well I was just too much of a chicken to not take the ...
It's actually a strategy that I thought about back when I first started experimenting with FOREX, and lately I've been starting to wonder if it's a good method of profiting from timezone differences. It revolves around the Americans doing a LOT of trading, so if you have a fair idea ...
I mentioned yesterday that there is a spike when the US wakes up, well right on cue today I made over $900 within an hour :D That is not to say that I opened my position at the right time, I had my money tied up from about this time ...
It's really interesting analysing my emotions when I have good trades and bad trades, I think that ideally I shouldn't be allowing emotion to come into it at all, just get on with the job of finding and making profitable trades.When I've been making profit then I'm all happy and ...
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