In the five trading sessions leading up to January 24, the Sensex fell by approximately 0.56%, or 429 points, ending at 76,190. However, the index rose in three of those five sessions. ETMarkets identified seven stocks with a market capitalization exceeding Rs 1,000 crore that showed consistent price increases during this period. (Data Source: ACE Equity)
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Rupak De, Senior Technical Analyst at LKP Securities, anticipates Nifty may end January with a loss, marking a fourth consecutive month of correction, a rare event in 23 years. With major events like the budget ahead, non-directional strategies are recommended. He suggests buying Britannia, Macrotech, and InfoEdge in the budget week.
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Meanwhile, the interest paid by the bank was Rs 5,605.62 crore for the same period, up by 12.8% from Rs 4,967.96 crore in the year-ago period.
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