The Rs 572-crore IPO of One MobiKwik Systems, priced at Rs 265-279 per share, was entirely a fresh issue and was subscribed 119.4 times, generating bids worth Rs 39,542 crore. The issue received bids of 141.73 crore shares against the offered 1.19 crore equity shares. The retail portion was subscribed 134.7 times, while QIBs subscribed to the issue 119.5 times. NIIs subscribed 109 times.
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Investors taking this route can find their returns erode, when the NAV and market price converge. Several ETFs, based on the US markets, are currently trading at a premium to their NAVs due to renewed interest among investors to diversify and take an exposure to the US markets after Donald Trump's recent win in the US Presidential poll.
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In 2012, Sebi introduced algo trading through the direct market access facility, which provided advantages such as faster order execution, reduced transaction costs, greater transparency, better audit trails and improved liquidity. However, its access was limited to institutional investors.
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