BSE Ltd shares rose 4.9% after Jefferies upgraded its rating to 'hold' and increased the target price to Rs 5,250. The upgrade reflects optimism about earnings potential despite challenges from Sebi's new F&O rules. Analysts expect brokers to implement price hikes, stabilizing volumes. Goldman Sachs also initiated coverage with a 'neutral' stance and target price of Rs 5,060.
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JSW Energy shares rose 4.39% after the company became the successful applicant to acquire KSK Mahanadi Power Company, which owns a 3,600 MW thermal plant. The acquisition, pending regulatory approvals, will increase JSW Energys total thermal generation capacity to 7.5 GW and overall capacity to 28.2 GW, bringing it closer to its 2030 target.
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President-elect Donald Trump plans to implement sweeping changes, including a large-scale deportation of undocumented migrants, repealing climate policies, and ending transgender rights in schools and the military. He vows to support Israel, potentially pardoning January 6 rioters, and imposing tariffs on imports from Mexico, Canada, and China.
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