The NSE Nifty climbed 0.9% or 205 points, to close at 23,163. The BSE Sensex gained 0.8%, or 631 points, to 76,532. Upsides in the broader market were stronger with the Midcap 150 index and the Smallcap 250 index surging 2.4% and 3.2%, respectively - the largest single-day gains in seven months.
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The Fed reduced its rate last year to 4.3% from 5.3%, in part out of concern that the job market was weakening. Hiring had slowed in the summer and the unemployment rate ticked up, leading Fed officials to approve an outsized half-point cut in September. Yet hiring rebounded last month and the unemployment rate declined slightly, to a low 4.1%.
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A Dubai-based developer plans to build a 12-story luxury condominium project on the South Florida site where a building collapsed in 2021, killing 98 people.
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