The Dixon Technologies stock rebounded from its support near Rs 15,953, with resistance around Rs 17,295. It trades below its 20-day and 50-day EMAs of Rs 17,391 and Rs 15,869, signalling short-term weakness. However, staying above the 100-day EMA at Rs 14,417 reflects medium-term support, suggesting potential stability despite recent challenges in the shorter timeframe.
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Haldiram's stake sale has been under discussion for years, attracting many bidders due to the company's leading position in India's snack industry. Meanwhile, AkzoNobel's paint division sale may see interest from Pidilite and Berger. Rising palm oil prices challenge players like Bikaji, who rely heavily on this raw material. Stakes are high in the competitive paint and snack markets.
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Abneesh Roy from Nuvama shares insights on the expected impact of the Union Budget on consumption. He is positive on Trent's prospects in the retail sector. Roy discusses challenges in the QSR sector and highlights valuation comfort for companies like Swiggy. The outlook for FMCG and quick commerce is seen as promising, with a focus on e-commerce and discretionary spending.
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