In a heartbreaking incident, five South Korean female colleagues planning a holiday to Thailand were killed when their Jeju Air return flight crashed at Muan International Airport, claiming 179 lives. Colleagues at the public education office mourned, placing chrysanthemums on victims' desks, recounting their memories and paying respects at an altar.
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Adani Enterprise is set to benefit greatly from 2025 to 2027 with businesses like Adani Airports and Adani Roads becoming independent companies. Effective debt management and strong cash flows are expected to drive further growth. Reliance Jio platforms may be listed in 2025, providing significant opportunities. The government plans substantial infrastructure spending, benefiting related companies.
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Despite global turmoil, 2024 saw groundbreaking scientific advancements, including discovering the moon's far side, a new HIV prevention drug, AI's potential in mental health, and space missions to find extraterrestrial life. Quantum computing also progressed, while microplastics raised health concerns, further supported by studies on aging and climate fluctuation.
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