Gujarat Toolroom shares surged 5% to Rs 18.08 after announcing a 5:1 bonus share issue in its upcoming board meeting. This would be the company's first-ever bonus issue, subject to shareholder approval.
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Shares of Supreme Power Equipment rose 2.3% on the NSE after securing a Rs 3.63 crore order from TRANTRANSCO. The company, a leading manufacturer of power transformers, will execute the order in three months. This significant order is expected to boost revenue and strengthen their relationship with TRANTRANSCO.
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We are constructive on markets and believe the recent correction offers a good entry point to start accumulation for long term wealth generation. With modest ~7% growth expectations in Nifty earnings for FY25E (on a high base), we expect Nifty to resume its double-digit earnings growth trajectory with earnings over FY25-27E expected to grow at a CAGR of 15%.
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