Currently, 34 companies have Sebi approval to raise Rs 41,462 crore, while 55 others await clearance for Rs 98,672 crore. In 2024, 143 DRHPs were filed, significantly higher than 84 in 2023 and 89 in 2022. With more IPO filings anticipated in the coming year, Indias IPO performance is expected to surpass this years figures.
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At the same time, as the order inflow, government spending has improved and it will continue to improve, then the earnings outlook for 26 will start improving.
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Shares of the newly-listed International Gemmological Institute (IGI) surged 10% to hit the upper circuit and a new high of Rs 580.45 on the BSE, following the 100% acquisition of IGI Netherlands and International Gemmological Institute BV.
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