KFin Technologies' shares surged 9.8% to Rs 1,212.70 after reporting a 34.9% YoY increase in profit after tax (PAT) to Rs 90.18 crore. The companys PAT margin was 31.1%, and revenue from operations grew 32.6% YoY to Rs 290 crore. In Q3 FY25, international and investor solutions revenue rose by 52.6%, while VAS revenue grew by 61.3%.
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Paytm parent One97 Communications shares fell by up to 9% due to ED investigations into cryptocurrency scams involving several payment gateways. The ED has frozen Rs 500 crore in these gateways' virtual accounts related to scams run by Chinese nationals, impacting platforms like PayU, Razorpay, Easebuzz, and others.
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Shares of Cyient Ltd fell 18.58% after weak Q3 FY25 results and CEO resignation. The DET segment saw a drop in YoY profit, while revenue guidance for FY25 was revised downward. Leadership change and execution issues led to stock downgrades by JP Morgan and Emkay Global.
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