Kabra Jewels IPO opened for subscription on January 15, aiming to raise Rs 40 crore through a fresh equity sale of 31.25 lakh shares priced at Rs 121-128 each. The company plans to use the proceeds for debt repayment, working capital, and corporate purposes. The issue is managed by Marwadi Chandarana Intermediaries and will close on January 17.
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The letter, a document pored over by shareholders, analysts and press every year for insights into the legendary investor's thinking, playfully sought to link the success of his conglomerate with the setting of the heartland city, in eastern Nebraska along the Iowa border.
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Recently, the price action of Angel One has been influenced by profit booking, resulting in a correction of nearly 35%. However, it has been observed that the stock is finding support at its fair value gap area around the 2340 level. The candlestick pattern formed during the previous trading session is a doji, which signals indecision amid the ongoing selling pressurean encouraging sign.
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