Last year on April 5, Sebi issued a show cause notice to Dahiya alleging failure to identity acquisition of 26.72% shares of YKNP Marketing Management by PB Fintech through its subsidiary PB Fintech FZ-LLC as unpublished price sensitive information as per insider trading rules.
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Raichura said any bounces in the near term may create more selling pressure and a decisive recovery will occur only in large-caps first, and then in mid- and small-caps. "And until we see a strong recovery, investors may not entirely return to the stock market," he said.
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A declining ADR means more stocks are falling as against the gainers and points to a weakening market. In January, the reading was 0.9, while in the period before October - when the market started declining, it was in the range of 1 to 1.28 on average.
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