In the NSE list of stocks with a market cap of over Rs 1000 crore, five stocks closed prices crossed above their 200 DMA (Daily Moving Averages) on January 8, according to stockedge.com's technical scan data. The 200-day DMA is used as a key indicator by traders for determining the overall trend in a particular stock. As long as the stock is priced above the 200-day SMA on the daily time frame, it is generally considered to be an overall uptrend.
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Absolutely, I agree with you on the point that valuations have become very attractive out here and all businesses have been doing fine. So, I do not see any reason why Reliance should be here and we remain quite optimistic on it.
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Investors have until today to purchase Shriram Finance shares to participate in the upcoming stock split scheduled for January 10. The company plans to split each equity share with a face value of Rs 10 into five equity shares with a face value of Rs 2 each. The split aims to enhance stock liquidity and accessibility to retail investors.
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