The RBI has issued new guidelines allowing foreign-owned or controlled companies in India to buy and swap shares with local businesses, enhancing deal flexibility. This move clarifies and simplifies downstream investment procedures while restricting investments by Chinese subsidiaries in India using retained earnings.
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The sample's revenue fell by 0.3% from the previous quarter to $20,207.5 million. In addition, the trailing 12-month (TTM) trend in revenue shows that after a spike between FY21 and FY22 amid the post-pandemic boom, the revenue growth for each of the five companies has fallen below the levels seen five years ago, impacted by a slack in the demand for discretionary projects - long-term contracts which are transformational in nature - amid the rising focus of clients to achieve cost efficiency for existing processes.
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The Indian government may soon introduce a social security plan for gig and platform workers, with the labour ministry developing a customised policy. The scheme aims to ensure fairness without cross-subsidization, potentially starting next financial year, and will establish both mandatory and voluntary benefits tied to work thresholds.
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