SRF shares surged 8.5% in two days, hitting a 52-week high after strong Q3 FY25 results. PAT rose 7% YoY to Rs 271 crore, while revenue grew 14% to Rs 3,491 crore. The chemicals and packaging films businesses saw solid growth. Jefferies maintained an 'underperform' rating, citing stretched valuations and muted specialty chemicals demand.
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Suzlon Energy share price: Suzlon achieved its highest-ever quarterly deliveries, reaching 447 MW in Q3 FY25. The wind turbine generator segment was the key growth driver, with revenue soaring 132% year-on-year (YoY) to Rs 2,336 crore, compared to Rs 1,004 crore in the same period last year.
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But I think that sector is going to do very well. So, I agree with you, this is the way to go about. I mean, in fact, these are the times when the SIPs can really generate positive alpha going forward, I mean massive positive alpha going forward.
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