In 2012, Sebi introduced algo trading through the direct market access facility, which provided advantages such as faster order execution, reduced transaction costs, greater transparency, better audit trails and improved liquidity. However, its access was limited to institutional investors.
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The Nifty rose 0.9%, or 219.60 points, to close at 24,768.30, while the Sensex gained 1%, or 843.16 points, to 82,133.12. Both ended the week around 0.5% higher. Analysts expect Nifty to move towards 25,000 levels by December end.
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A federal appeals court on Friday left in place a mid-January deadline in a federal law requiring TikTok to be sold or face a ban in the United States, rejecting a request made by the company to halt enforcement until the Supreme Court reviews its challenge of the statute.
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