Senco Gold Limited raised Rs 459 crore through a Qualified Institutions Placement (QIP), issuing 40.8 lakh equity shares at Rs 1,125 per share. Major investors included funds managed by Tata AIA Life Insurance and ICICI Prudential Life, among others. The funds will support the company's expansion plans, including adding 18-20 stores annually.
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Eleganz Interiors plans to go public. The company filed for an IPO with NSE Emerge. The IPO will consist of fresh shares. Eleganz aims to raise funds for debt repayment and working capital. The company provides interior fit-out solutions across India. Eleganz reported strong revenue and profit in recent quarters. The company is led by a green building advocate.
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Foreign institutional investors (FIIs) returned to buying Indian equities in December, injecting Rs 22,765 crore and boosting market recovery after months of selling. This fueled a rally, especially in large-cap stocks, despite concerns about high valuations and a rising dollar. Positive political developments, recovering corporate stocks, and easing inflation further supported the market's upward trend.
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