Shakti Pumps shares dropped by 5% to Rs 1,084.70 on the BSE despite a 130% YoY increase in net profit for Q3 2024. The company posted a net profit of Rs 104 crore and a revenue surge of 31%. However, the stock remains below its critical moving averages.
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With a 2% negative return so far, January appears to end the same way as December which also closed 2% down. But despite the consecutive negative months, it must be noted that unlike October 204, which saw a 6.2% fall, the subsequent months close have not been too deep in the red, pointing to the presence of buying interest.
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NTPC shares fell by 2.8% to a low of Rs 314.50 following its quarterly results, but later recovered to Rs 322.60. The company's standalone net profit increased by 3.1% YoY to Rs 4,711.4 crore, while consolidated revenue grew to Rs 45,052.8 crore. NTPC also announced a second interim dividend of 25%.
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