Shriram Finance shares fell 2.6% despite a 73% rise in Q3 net profit to Rs 3,249 crore. Total income increased to Rs 10,705 crore, with asset quality improving. HSBC and Jefferies maintain 'Buy' ratings, though both revise target prices slightly lower due to higher costs and balance sheet liquidity.
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NTPC Green Energy's shares fell by 3.8% to Rs 107.90 on January 27 after reporting an 18% YoY growth in net profit for Q3 FY25 at Rs 65.61 crore. However, the EPS dropped to Rs 0.08 per share from Rs 0.12 per share in Q3FY24.
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Law enforcement officials from the US Department of Homeland Security have started visiting gurdwaras in New York and New Jersey to check for illegal immigrants, sparking concern from Sikh organizations. The visits follow the rescission of guidelines protecting sensitive areas, raising alarm about the sanctity of places of worship and potential impacts on immigrant communities.
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