Stallion India Fluorochemicals shares will debut on Thursday with a grey market premium (GMP) of Rs 39. The IPO saw a remarkable subscription of 188 times. Funds from the IPO will be used for working capital and other corporate purposes. Analysts suggest it as a viable medium to long-term investment, considering its financial performance.
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Benchmark Sensex rebounded nearly 567 points, and Nifty regained the 23,150 level on Wednesday due to value buying in IT and banking shares amidst firm global trends. Key stocks in focus included Bharat Dynamics, Cyient DLM, and Newgen Software, which saw notable declines. Expert recommendations provided caution and target levels post-market resumption.
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Around 59 companies are set to announce their third quarter results on Thursday, including key players like Ultratech Cement, Adani Green, Dr Reddy's, Mankind Pharma, and HPCL. Ultratech Cement might see a slight revenue increase but a dip in profitability, while Dr Reddy's is expected to show double-digit growth in earnings and revenue.
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