In the week ending January 10, the benchmark Sensex declined by 2.33%. Amid this downturn, five penny stocks experienced a drop of 10% to 25%. Our selection criteria focused on stocks with a market capitalization under Rs 1,000 crore, a share price below Rs 20, and a trading volume exceeding 5 lakh shares. (Data Source: ACE Equity)
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The Indian equity market saw significant IPO activity in 2024, raising a record Rs. 1,80,650 crore. December was the most active month. Data suggests holding IPO stocks for six months yields higher returns. Investors are advised to conduct thorough research before investing.
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HCL Technologies is projected to report 4.3%-6.8% YoY revenue growth for Q3FY25. Brokerages foresee varying outcomes for revenue and profit, with key focus on software business, margin guidance, and deal activity.
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