Waaree Energies shares surged 14.4% to Rs 2,505.85 after reporting a 296% YoY rise in net profit to Rs 493 crore for Q3FY25. Revenue from operations rose 117% YoY to Rs 3,457 crore, though it declined 3.2% sequentially. Profit after tax (PAT) increased by 36% from the previous quarter, reflecting strong growth despite a slight revenue dip.
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Jindal Steel & Power Ltd (JSPL) saw a 14% drop in share price to Rs 724 following a 51% year-on-year decline in net profit to Rs 951 crore for Q3. Weak steel prices and cheaper imports impacted earnings, despite a 5% rise in sales volume. EBITDA fell 24%, with revenues flat at Rs 13,707 crore.
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New drug suzetrigine, known by its brand name Journavx, has been approved to treat moderate to severe pain.
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