The new recommendations, if implemented, could allow short-selling in all stocks, barring those in the trade-to-trade, or T2T, segment, said sources with direct knowledge of the matter. Sebi officials, during the discussions, agreed to give the plan another thought, they said. An email to Sebi went unanswered till press time.
Preservation Chicagos annual ranking of the city's seven most endangered buildings includes the eight-story, Italianate-style building that once housed a McDonald's.
Stocks racked up more losses on Wall Street Tuesday as a trade war between the U.S. and its key trading partners escalated, wiping out all the gains since Election Day for the S&P 500.
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau called American tariffs very dumb and said that U.S. President Donald Trump is appeasing Russia while launching a trade war against Canada.
These Chicago churches, schools, warehouse districts and even wooden double-hung windows could be lost to demolition if action is not taken to restore them.
M Pallonji Group and Divya Sehgal of True North have sought regulatory consent to establish a general insurance venture. If sanctioned, M Pallonji will hold 51% stake and launch with an initial 200 crore investment. This move marks a significant corporate-backed entry in India's insurance sector.