In the NSE list of stocks with a market cap of over Rs 10,000 crore, five stocks closed prices crossed above their 200 DMA (Daily Moving Averages) on January 21, according to's technical scan data. The 200-day DMA is used as a key indicator by traders for determining the overall trend in a particular stock. As long as the stock is priced above the 200-day SMA on the daily time frame, it is generally considered to be an overall uptrend.
In the NSE list of stocks, four stocks with a market cap of over Rs 10,000 crore are witnessing Death Crossovers, according to's technical scan data. The death cross is a technical indicator of bearishness. The death cross appears on a chart when a stocks short-term simple moving average (SMA) crosses below its long-term moving average on the downside. These stocks' 50-day SMA crossed below their 200-day SMAs on January 21. Take a look:
Around 50 companies, including HDFC Bank, HUL, Tata Communications, and Hudco, are set to announce their Q3 earnings. HDFC Bank is expected to report a 7-8.4% YoY growth in net interest income, while HUL's growth may be muted due to weaker demand and input cost inflation. Key metrics to watch include HDFC's deposits and HUL's underlying volume growth.
Benchmark Sensex sees a significant decline due to global tariff war concerns and foreign fund outflows, with specific focus on stocks Indiamart, Tata Communication, and Newgen Software. Analysts suggest strategic buying at dips, indicating potential long-term growth despite current market volatility.
Amid President Donald Trump's threats of sweeping arrests and mass deportations, undocumented workers in Chicago skipped work in order to avoid being caught by ICE agents.
Lay investors often do not know when or how much to invest in large, mid-, or small-cap funds. If they invest only in large-cap schemes and small and mid-cap stocks rally, as often happens in the market, they will miss out on the gains.
The Trump administration has removed restrictions on immigration arrests at sensitive locations such as schools and churches. This move aims to empower immigration officers by expanding their enforcement capabilities. Advocates warn it could deter migrants from seeking medical care or sending their children to school. Schools and local governments are responding by assuring limited cooperation with immigration enforcement.
Mauritius-based IndusInd International Holdings (IIHL) emerged as the successful suitor with a bid of 9,650 crore for the resolution of RCap. IIHL later paid 200 crore to bolster RCap's solvency, which was over and above the bid amount.