Gerber Products Company and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) have issued a serious recall notice, discontinuing all batches of Gerber’s Soothe n Chew Teething Sticks due to fears that they could present a choking hazard for babies. The baby food brand confirmed that at least one emergency room visit has been linked to the product. The recall and discontinuation notice was posted to the website of Nestlé USA, Gerber’s parent company. Here’s what you need to know: Which products were affected? The recall includes both Strawberry Apple and Banana flavors in all package sizes. Where were the products sold? The affected products were available online and sold in the following U.S. states and territories: Alabama Arkansas Arizona California Colorado Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Iowa Idaho Illinois Indiana Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Massachusetts Maryland Maine Michigan Minnesota Missouri Mississippi Montana North Carolina Nebraska New Hampshire New Jersey Nevada New York Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Virginia Vermont Washington Wisconsin Puerto Rico You can find images of the products on the FDA website. What should I do if I have these teething sticks? Gerber has advised parents and caregivers to stop using the product immediately and return it to retailers for a refund. Anyone with health concerns should contact a healthcare provider. What has Gerber said about this? In a statement along with the recall notice, the brand said, “We sincerely apologize for any concern or inconvenience this action represents to parents, caregivers, and retail customers.” It added that it is working with and cooperating with the FDA on the recall.
Have you ever worked under someone you just couldn’t wait to get away frommaybe to the point where youd daydream about finding a new job (or hoping theyd leave instead)? Thats what we call an Extinguisher. These leaders sap energy from their teams and throw up roadblocks that stand in the way of success. On the flip side, Generators are those leaders who inspire and empower people to reach their full potentialand theyre the ones everyone wants to work for. Most of us want to steer clear of Extinguishers (and make sure we never become one ourselves). The trouble is, its not always obvious when youre dealing with oneat least not until youre already burned out. Thats why we conducted two major studies to pinpoint exactly how Extinguishers differ from Generators. Our research revealed four early warning signs that can help you spot an Extinguisher before its too late. Extinguishers hide their flaws and struggles Extinguishers wear a mask when they come to work – hiding their true selves. They often cover up their mistakes and flaws – to be perceived as the perfect leader. Unfortunately, this creates distance between them and their employees. Can you really be open about your struggles if your leader seems perfect and untouchable? It can feel too vulnerable to share imperfections with someone who is perfect. In this situation, its hard to get the support you need because you wont feel comfortable asking for it. Even well-meaning leaders can fall into this Extinguisher trap. Leaders want to be seen as competent and deserving of their role. So, they may feel extra pressure to keep up a facade. However, employees can sense leaders inauthenticity, decreasing trust and healthy communication on the team. If you have never seen or heard about your leader struggling with something, if all you hear about is how perfect they are, or you feel like they are being fake, watch out. You may be working for an Extinguisher. Extinguishers dont care about your personal life Adding to the distance between them and their employees, Extinguishers do not want to hear about employees personal lives. They dont care about whats going on with you outside of work and see conversations about your partner, pets, or other important aspects of your life as irrelevant. Extinguishers also fail to share anything about themselves with their employees. This is because Extinguishers believe that you shouldnt bring your personal life to work – and view these two spheres as separate. Why is this a problem? If a leader doesnt know you, how can they know how to support you? Extinguishers dont understand you as a whole person. They are focusing solely on your work. But, what happens if something awful occurs in your personal life that has clear implications for your work? What if you need extra time or some flexibility to manage life stressors? Extinguishers dont want to hear it and, thus, wont give you the support that you need. If you feel like your leader knows nothing about who you are as a person, you are likely working for an Extinguisher. Extinguishers never disconnect from work Extinguishers never take a break. In fact, they often brag about working late at night or early in the morning. You get emails from them at all hours of the day and while they are supposedly on vacation. For example, on Sunday nights, Extinguishers might send tons of messages in preparation for the busy week they are about to create for you. This can create pressures to respond when employees are supposed to be disconnecting. But, Extinguishers do not believe in work-life balance. They prioritize work over life – and often expect you to do the same. Unfortunately, Extinguishers bad examples create harmful expectations. Actions are much louder than words – when leaders never disconnect, neither will their employees. Plus, employees start to believe that being always on is required to get to the next level. This can create unsustainable expectations about what it takes to be a leader. If you never see your leader disconnect or if you consistently get messages during off hours, you are probably working for an Extinguisher. Extinguishers believe theres only one right way Finally, Extinguishers think theres one right way to do everything – and its their way. How do you become a leader? By following their exact path. How do you achieve that big goal? By taking the steps they would take. Extinguishers dont recognize that there are many ways to be successful. This is a recipe for disaster. Processes will never evolve and improve if organizations stick to the way its always been done. Plus, we know that career paths do not look the same for everyone. Your strengths, background, and goals are unique. Each leader makes it to the top in their own way. Extinguishers discourage uniqueness and make it harder to lead authentically. If your manager shoots down new ideas, only offers advice based on their own experiences, and micromanages you to do things exactly their way, theres a good chance youre dealing with an Extinguisher. If you spot these warning signs, think about ways to build a support system that can help protect you from their negative behavior. If youre feeling courageous, you might even try sharing some feedback so they have the opportunity to grow. Its also wise to start mapping out a plan to move on before things get worse. And when youre interviewing for a new role, dont forget to ask some probing questions to see if your potential new boss shows any of these red flags. Its the best way to avoid jumping from one Extinguisher to another.
Conventional wisdom says to use your tax return to pay off debt or add to your savings, but psychologists say its also acceptable to use a tax return to invest in your own happiness. When people get a tax return, it’s seen as a bonus and it can feel like an even bigger bonus when people decide to invest it in themselves, says Maya Weir, clinical psychologist and founder at Thriving California, a private practice in Napa, California. Dont limit your thinking about money to just saving and investing, says Annie Cole, EdD, founder and money coach at Money Essentials for Women in Vancouver, Washington. If youre already meeting the mark when it comes to finances, paying down debt, putting extra cash in saving, and covering your expenses, then the next thing to do is explore how surplus money can impact your life, she says. Cole recommends making a bucket list of what you would do if you had extra cash to spend. However, she warns against simply making a list of expensive items to buy. Instead, she recommends focusing on ways to spend money that will either create a long-term memory, such as a trip or a special dinner, or will improve your life, such as joining an upscale fitness center that offers yoga and meditation if youre into wellness. Jenny Mahlum, an integrative psychotherapist at New York Counseling in Manhattan, agrees that if youre looking to invest in your happiness, its best to focus on novel experiences rather than accumulating items. While we might momentarily get a burst of joy when wear a new sweater or drive a new car, eventually the novelty tends to wear off and you stop appreciating the experience of the item you just bought, Mahlum says. In comparison, a novel experience can create a new memory. Here are five unique ways to use your tax refund to invest in your happiness.1. Take a class or workshop that would give you skills to generate side income or help you get a promotion. Learning a new skill can increase your sense of accomplishment and confidence, and that could contribute to feelings of happiness, Mahlum says. She recommends framing this purchase as an investment in yourself and align it with your values and a larger sense of purpose rather than seeing it as a means to earn more money so you can buy an extra sweater or handbag. Generating more income through a side hustle or getting a raise also creates a sense of abundance, which generally makes people feel happier and more secure, Weir says. 2. Make a home upgrade that would bring you joy, such as creating a reading nook or mini indoor garden. A home upgrade that creates a mini sanctuary has the potential to bring joy daily; however, Mahlum recommends spending time reflecting on it beforehand to make sure its really something you want to invest in. Think about why you want it and imagine yourself using it; otherwise, if you build it and dont use it, you might feel guilty, Mahlum warns. Keep in mind that a home upgrade doesnt have to be elaborate. Cole recommends walking through your house and thinking about where you spend the most time and how you could make that area more comfortable. For instance, maybe you want to make your bedroom cozier with new pillows and hotel-quality sheets. Think in terms of little delights. Sometimes it’s a good meal, a good chocolate, a special coffee blend, or cozy pajamas, Weir says. Anything that makes you feel physically comfortable. 3. Create a try something new fund and use the money to experience something new each month. According to research by Dr. Laurie Santos, experiences tend to make us happier than material possessions because they provide a sense of social connection and personal growth, Mahlum says. Novel experiences tend to bring people joy, Weir says. There’s something about trying something new that gives us a sense of accomplishment and provides a release of dopamine. 4. Create a happiness fund to pay for random acts of kindness like paying for a strangers groceries or supporting a local artist. People feel joy when they are being generous with others, Weir says. There is also an empathy layer, she says. When you see that someone else happy, it can make you feel happy, too. People report a boost in happiness when completing good deeds for others. A study by researchers at Ohio State University found that performing acts of kindness can ease depression and anxiety. 5. Create a micro-adventure fund and use the money for several unique experiences throughout the year rather than waiting until youve saved enough for a big, three-week vacation. Curate experiences for yourself that create feelings of awe, Mahlum says. We underestimate what feelings of awe can elicit in us in terms of a higher sense of well-being that can cascade into feelings of joy and creativity, she says.
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