If you look at a map of lightning near the Port of Singapore, youll notice an odd streak of intense lightning activity right over the busiest shipping lane in the world. As it turns out, the lightning really is responding to the ships, or rather the tiny particles they emit. Using data from a global lightning detection network, my colleagues and I have been studying how exhaust plumes from ships are associated with an increase in the frequency of lightning. For decades, ship emissions steadily rose as increasing global trade drove higher ship traffic. Then, in 2020, new international regulations cut ships sulfur emissions by 77%. Our newly published research shows how lightning over shipping lanes dropped by half almost overnight after the regulations went into effect. Shipping lanes (top image) and lightning strikes (bottom) near the Port of Singapore. [Image: Chris Wright] That unplanned experiment demonstrates how thunderstorms, which can be 10 miles tall, are sensitive to the emission of particles that are smaller than a grain of sand. The responsiveness of lightning to human pollution helps us get closer to understanding a long-standing mystery: To what extent, if any, have human emissions influenced thunderstorms? Aerosol particles can affect clouds? Aerosol particles, also known as particulate matter, are everywhere. Some are kicked up by wind or produced from biological sources, such as tropical and boreal forests. Others are generated by human industrial activity, such as transportation, agricultural burning and manufacturing. Its hard to imagine, but in a single liter of air about the size of a water bottle there are tens of thousands of tiny suspended clusters of liquid or solid. In a polluted city, there can be millions of particles per liter, mostly invisible to the naked eye. These particles are a key ingredient in cloud formation. They serve as seeds, or nuclei, for water vapor to condense into cloud droplets. The more aerosol particles, the more cloud droplets. Water molecules condense around nuclei to form clouds. [Photo: David Babb/Penn State, CC BY-NC] In shallow clouds, such as the puffy-looking cumulus clouds you might see on a sunny day, having more seeds has the effect of making the cloud brighter, because the increase in droplet surface area scatters more light. In storm clouds, however, those additional droplets freeze into ice crystals, making the effects of aerosol particles on storms tricky to pin down. The freezing of cloud droplets releases latent heat and causes ice to splinter. That freezing, combined with the powerful thermodynamic instabilities that generate storms, produces a system that is very chaotic, making it difficult to isolate how any one factor is influencing them. A view from the International Space Station shows the anvils of tropical thunderstorms as warm ocean air collides with the mountains of Sumatra. [Photo: NASA Visible Earth] We cant generate a thunderstorm in the lab. However, we can study the accidental experiment taking place in the busiest shipping corridor in the world. Ship emissions and lightning With engines that are often three stories tall and burn viscous fuel oil, ships traveling into and out of ports emit copious quantities of soot and sulfur particles. The shipping lanes near the Port of Singapore are the most highly trafficked in the world roughly 20% of the worlds bunkering oil, used by ships, is purchased there. In order to limit toxicity to people near ports, the International Maritime Organization a United Nations agency that oversees shipping rules and security began regulating sulfur emissions in 2020. At the Port of Singapore, the sales of high-sulfur fuel plummeted, from nearly 100% of ship fuel before the regulation to 25% after, replaced by low-sulfur fuels. But what do shipping emissions have to do with lightning? Scientists have proposed a number of hypotheses to explain the correlation between lightning and pollution, all of which revolve around the crux of electrifying a clod: collisions between snowflake-like ice crystals and denser chunks of ice. When the charged, lightweight ice crystals are lofted as the denser ice falls, the cloud becomes a giant capacitor, building electrical energy as the ice crystals bump past each other. Eventually, that capacitor discharges, and out shoots a lightning bolt, five times hotter than the surface of the Sun. We think that, somehow, the aerosol particles from the ships smokestacks are generating more ice crystals or more frequent collisions in the clouds. In our latest study, my colleagues and I describe how lightning over the shipping lane fell by about 50% after 2020. There were no other factors, such as El Nio influences or changes in thunderstorm frequency, that could explain the sudden drop in lightning activity. We concluded that the lightning activity had fallen because of the regulation. The reduction of sulfur in ship fuels meant fewer seeds for water droplet condensation and, as a result, fewer charging collisions between ice crystals. Ultimately, there have been fewer storms that are sufficiently electrified to produce a lightning stroke. Whats next? Less lightning doesnt necessarily mean less rain or fewer storms. There is still much to learn about how humans have changed storms and how we might change them in the future, intentionally or not. Do aerosol particles actually invigorate storms in general, creating more extensive, violent vertical motion? Or are the effects of aerosols specific to the idiosyncrasies of lightning generation? Have humans altered lightning frequency globally? My colleagues and I are working to answer these questions. We hope that by understanding the effects of aerosol particles on lightning, thunderstorm precipitation and cloud development, we can better predict how the Earths climate will respond as human emissions continue to fluctuate. Chris Wright is a fellow in atmospheric science at the Program on Climate Change at the University of Washington. This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.
With genetically modified organisms (GMOs), theres no putting the genie back in the bottle. Since their commercial introduction in 1996, bioengineered crops have become a commercial juggernaut, utterly dominating the marketplace in the U.S. and around the world. Even the European Unionlong a hotbed of anti-GMO sentiment and regulatory activityis warming to biotech, and significantly expanding the number of GMO crops accepted for import. Now, as the technology is maturing and costs have decreased significantly, a new wave of biotech innovationcall it GMO 2.0is in the offing. Emerging startups and established companies alike are using breakthrough technologies to drive GMOs in exciting new directions. A diverse range of new technologies promise to make agriculture more efficient and sustainable, and our food tastier and more nutritious. It also promises to help address the pressing but unanswered question of how to produce the 56% additional calories needed to feed the 10 billion people expected to populate the world in 2050, with little land left to expand cultivation and a changing climate making agriculture more challenging. Not everyone is thrilled about the new wave of bioengineered crops. Like it or not, though, GMO 2.0 is going to see an adoption curve that will rival that of first-gen biotech seeds. The potential benefitsnutritional, environmental, and above all, agronomicalwill simply be too great to ignore. Avoid missteps Before we get to that point, however, we have a window of opportunity to shape the course of GMO 2.0and avoid some of the missteps that marked the rollout of first-gen biotech crops. The core technologies behind GMO 1.0 were safe, effective, and heavily regulatedbut too many breakthrough products were controlled by a few large corporations that were eager to muscle rivals aside, shout down skeptics, and amass huge profits while ignoring any potential harm caused by their products. The rise of GMO 2.0 offers us a chance to hit the reset button and ensure that the next wave of biotechnologies is developed and commercialized more transparently, more responsibly, and more equitably. If we get this right, we can make a powerful positive case for the biotech revolutionreducing the potential for a backlash, and ensuring that consumers, regulators, and other stakeholders around the world benefit from the enormous potential of GMO 2.0 crops. The 5 principles of GMO 2.0 To achieve that goal, we need to start by recognizing that GMO 2.0 isnt fundamentally a technological breakthrough. Yes, new technologiesand the maturation of existing technologiesare making bioengineering far more accessible, and dramatically expanding and accelerating our ability to innovate. But GMO 2.0 is defined, at its core, by a shift in the values and priorities that guide us as we bring bioengineered products to market. That breaks down to five key principles: Safety: I dont want to overstate this. The reality, after all, is that the science around whether GMOs are safe for humans is conclusively settled with broad scientific consensus. Still, next-gen innovators need to do a much better job of communicating around biotech safety, forthrightly engaging with consumers and regulators, and finding ways to win over skeptics instead of ignoring or silencing them. That means making a positive case for our technologies, frankly acknowledging any shortcomings, and clearly explaining how well mitigate or manage potential risks. Transparency: GMO 2.0 advocates must seek transparency in three key areas. First, we need to explain our technology and make sure everyone understands what were doing and how it works. Second, we need to explain our purpose and show how bioengineering can unlock desirable traits that deliver results across the value chain. And third, we need to explain our potential impact and show how GMO 2.0 will drive resilience, growth, and improve food quality for everyone. Efficiency: To ensure that GMO 2.0 technologies meet the actual needs and wants of customers, we need efficient markets. In agriculture, that means empowering farmers and consumers to choose the traits they want in their crops and their food. First-gen biotech was largely a top-down process dictated by Big Ag, but GMO 2.0 will be powered by end users, with a host of startups, academics, and innovators using agile technologies to respond to changing demand and rapidly bring new crops and new traits to market. Deconsolidation/choice: Most GMO 1.0 products offered one-size-fits-all solutions, consolidating multiple traits into a single seed. In the GMO 2.0 era, farmers will be able to pick and choose from many different seeds, each with different traits and capabilitiesor opt-out altogetherto optimize for their own unique needs. This matters at the ecosystem level all the way to the consumer. Instead of trying to dominate the marketplace, GMO 2.0 leaders will embrace transparency, build partnerships, and create solutions that dovetail with and support one another in additive ways. Optimism: To usher in a new era of GMO 2.0 technologies, we need to stop being apologetic or mealy-mouthed about what were trying to achieve. Climate change is real, and hunger never went awayinstead of waiting for disaster to strike, were building technologies that will safeguard the future. Its time to embrace the scale of our ambition and explain how important biotech will be in the years to come. Some next-wave biotech productslike purple tomatoes that contain extra antioxidants and taste great in a saladare designed to appeal to consumers. Others are important on a global scale: drought-tolerant wheat could help secure food supplies in an era of global heating, while non-browning avocados have the potential to reduce food waste by extending shelf life and enhancing flavor and texture for consumers. By hitting the reset button now, and clearly explaining how GMO 2.0 differs from earlier iterations of biotech crops, we have a chance to redefine how farmers, regulators, and consumers think about biotechnology. Now its time to communicate that effectively and build a vibrant and equitable biotech marketplace where GMO 2.0 technologiescan showcase their valueand deliver the benefits we need for farmers, consumers, and society as a whole. Shely Aronov is cofounder and CEO of InnerPlant. The Fast Company Impact Council is a private membership community of influential leaders, experts, executives, and entrepreneurs who share their insights with our audience. Members pay annual membership dues for access to peer learning and thought leadership opportunities, events and more.
Futureproofing your business requires an ability to embrace change, not just to react to it. Change is a constant, so companies that thrive in todays landscape must be continuously adapting and innovatingchanging as consumers change. Brands that truly stand the test of time understand that the core ingredients for long-term success are relevance, ease, and distinctiveness. Relevance No business, regardless of its size or sector, can consistently thrive without remaining in sync with consumers wants and needs, and keeping a pulse on the cultural nuances across their markets. At KFC, we have driven brand recognition and global growth by prioritizing relevance since 1952, and that starts with knowing and living our brand purpose. For instance, KFC exists to banish the bland and dial up the fingerlickin, which to us means being bold in everything we doadapting our menus, restaurant design, and guest experiences to deliver what consumers are craving. We use consumer insights about food formats and flavors to ensure were bringing bold innovation to our menus and leading food trends. KFC also builds relevance in culture wherever its happeningwithin the gaming community through PUBG or The Legend of Zelda, in partnership with celebrities like Trevor Noah and Chrissy Teigen, or through an NBA courtside appearance by Colonel Sanders. Beyond menu and culture, KFC leverages restaurant design to drive relevance, prioritizing things like sustainable furniture and seamless technology that resonate with guests. Relevancy also reaches beyond the restaurant through local initiatives including food donations, youth programs, and employability training. Ease In addition to staying relevant, brands must ensure that consumers can access and engage with the brand on their own termswhen, where, and how they want. Sephora, a premier beauty destination and global retailer, highlights the importance of validating customers and meeting them where they are. Before Sephora opened more than 3,000 locations, beauty products were primarily sold through brand-specific retailers or local drugstores, making high-end options both hard to find and out of reach for most consumers. Sephora offers retail locations in 34 countries around the world, a robust online retail store, and endless content available across social channels. But ease doesnt just apply to accessing their products. Sephora promotes inclusion and aims to make it easy for every person to feel beautiful. It disrupts the prestige of beauty retail by striving to authentically celebrate consumer beauty and invites everyone in, no matter the persons background, skills, or expertise. Their commitment to access and education makes involvement uncomplicated and effortless, especially as consumers explore new beauty products and routines. Distinctiveness As the world changes, a distinctive brand perpetuates a clear identity, allowing consumers to build familiarity and remain connected. Nike embodies this as one of the most distinctive brands of the past, present, and foreseeable future. If you close your eyes, you can instantly imagine its famed swoosh, distinguishable tagline and portrait-style imagery of iconic athletesthe brand doesnt even need to be named for you to recognize it. This undeniable identity is one of Nikes greatest assets, as it builds and retains loyalty, spreads favorable word-of-mouth, and fuels excitement from employees and consumers alike. And its so much more than its brand assets. Nike shows up for athletes in a distinct way that inspires an emotional connection to the very heart of its fan base. The brand focuses on grit, competition, resilience, and celebration, distinctively leaning into every facet of what it means to be an athlete while saying that any consumer can just do it. Personal evolution Just like brands that stand the test of time, I have embraced a personal growth journey that has been both transforming and evolving. I prioritize growth and learning to ensure that Im always pushing for the consumer. I welcome change with open arms and am excited about what the future holds. Nivera Wallani is the global chief development officer of KFC. The Fast Company Impact Council is a private membership community of influential leaders, experts, executives, and entrepreneurs who share their insights with our audience. Members pay annual membership dues for access to peer learning and thought leadership opportunities, events and more.
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