Its not every day that microbial genetics leads to a chic influencer party in Los Angeles. Yet there stood Patrick Torbey, the lone scientist in a plant-filled wine bar, addressing a roomful of stylish guests nibbling artisan crackers topped with melted Brie. Torbey was there to introduce the first product from Neoplants, the Paris-based startup he cofounded six years ago with Lionel Mora, a former Google product marketing manager. Their debut offering, called Power Drops, promises a biological air filterhence the appeal for wellness influencers. For the science-minded, theyre genetically modified soil bacteria that work with plants to absorb and metabolize toxic chemicals commonly found indoors. Weve developed a natural air purifier, Torbey says. By pouring in these bacteria, you increase by about 30 times the air pollution efficiency of one plant. These pollutants, known as volatile organic compounds (VOCs), pass through microscopic pores in plant leaves and exit through their roots. When Power Drops are mixed with water and added to a planter, the bacteria cling to the roots and feed on the VOCsproducing nutrients for the plant in the process. The result: a 30% reduction in airborne toxins in a 160-square-foot room. [Photo: Neoplants] Neoplants originally planned to launch Power Drops in January, just as wildfires engulfed parts of Los Angeles. Instead, the company postponed its event and added a new initiative, CleanAirforLA.com, offering a free months supply to support recovery efforts. We have a technology that can solve a big part of the issue that’s going to linger for a long time, which is that VOCs emitted by these fires will be absorbed by [fabrics and furniture in] every home and continuously reemitted, Torbey says. This is really using nature as the technology to solve that problem in a sustainable way. [Rendering: Neoplants] According to the World Health Organization, indoor pollution accounts for an estimated 3 million deaths annually. It can also impact focus and productivity and exacerbate respiratory issues like asthma. Torbey suggests putting the treated plants in bedrooms as a complement to HEPA filters that block particulates larger than VOCs, which are only several atoms in size. It takes much longer, but it’s much more sustainable because there’s no electricity, he says. It’s always on in the background. Among the event’s attendees was The Good Place star Kristen Bell, who came away smitten with the companys naturaland in her case, foolproofapproach. I have little kids, so Ive been very concerned with educating myself on the air quality post-fires. I thought this was a very smart way to make it easy, affordable, and sustainable for people, she says. I don’t have a green thumb; I have a black thumb. The plants come [in planters] with reservoirs where I don’t have to remember to water [them] more than once a month. Thats extremely helpful for someone like me. Genetics as a tool Neoplants grew from Torbeys desire to apply his genetic engineering PhD to something beyond academia, Big Pharma, or agriculture. Everybody has this kind of negative feeling towards genetic modification, he says. But genetics is just a tool, and I wanted to show people how we can use this tool to have a pure, positive impact without any negative consequences. He met Mora through the Paris division of the global talent incubator Entrepreneur First, which introduces scientists and businesspeople. Theyve since raised $20 million from two fundraising rounds through True Ventures and Heartcore Capital and expanded to a 20-member staff. Neoplants founder Patrick Torbey (center) with Clean Air Campaign supporters [Photo: Neoplants] The science, however, didnt come easy. When boosting plants ability to absorb VOCs proved too complex and time-consuming, the team pivoted to microbes. Bacteria, unlike plants, can be modified and tested within a weekand they clear regulatory hurdles faster. Neoplants engineered two bacteria strains that naturally metabolize formaldehyde, benzene, toluene, and xylene, turning them into sugars, amino acids, and lipids. Then, using directed evolutonexposing them to increasingly toxic environmentsthey bred super-efficient strains. Its kind of a boot camp for bacteria, says Torbey, crediting Mora and his Google training for the quick iteration process. We were trying to go at the speed of software using biotechnology. [Photo: Susan Karlin] Power Drops contain 10 billion dehydrated bacteria per packet, activated in water for monthly doses. They work best with leafy, soil-based indoor plantsnot succulents, hydroponics, or sandy soil. While theyre not for edible greens, theyre nontoxic to humans and pets. And although the bacteria improve soil quality, the effect on plant growth is minimalfor now. Boosting growth is the next focus for Neoplants. From the ground to space Meanwhile, as its bacterial research raced ahead, Neoplants continued modifying plants to metabolize VOCs without the need for bacteria by isolating the microbial genes responsible and inserting them into plant genomes. Having finally achieved that, the company is now awaiting approval from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, a process not yet impacted by recent federal layoffs. The company will also avoid import tariffs by keeping its R&D operations in Paris and product production in the U.S. [Photo: Neoplants] Down the road, Torbey hopes to apply Neoplants research to other environmental issueshere on Earth and even for future space habitats. One goal is modifying plants to absorb nitrogen from the air instead of using nitrogen fertilizers, which exacerbate the rise in nitrous oxide, a potent greenhouse gas. Hes also spoken to the European Space Agency about how his research might assist its MELiSSA life support project.
Showing enthusiasm in a job interview can be the make-or-break factor in getting that position. In fact, nearly 47% of hiring managers say a candidates keen interest in the job is the most important factor in determining whether they get the new role. Enthusiastic candidates are more likely to fit in, stay longer, and do great work. So, here are five ways to project excitement about the role throughout the job interview process: 1. ARRIVE EARLY First, show up 1015 minutes early for your interview. An early arrival demonstrates enthusiasm, shows respect for the interviewer, and helps you gather your thoughts so that you will come across as poised and prepared. Coming early has other benefits, too. For an in-person meeting, arriving early gives you time to get settled, use the washroom, and go over your notes. (Just make sure you don’t arrive too early, as the interviewer may not be ready for you.) If the interview is virtual, these 15 minutes will allow you to check your technology, your lighting, and your background. 2. PRAISE THE COMPANY When speaking to the hiring manager, share two or three things you love about their company. Do your research and write out your talking points. You might say, I appreciate the way employees are encouraged to collaborate. Or I value your hybrid work policy. It makes sense and its what I am used to. Or you might say, I admire the leadership of this company. . . . I heard your CEO speak at a recent conference and he was inspiring. You might even ask the interviewer, what attracted you to this firm? This will give her a chance to speak about the company, and you an opportunity to reinforce something positive. 3. GET FIRED UP ABOUT THE JOB Another important thing to share is why you would love to have the job. Dont wait for the hiring manager to ask you why you are applying. Instead, have a script ready with the reasons you are excited about the position. It could be the leadership role you have been searching for, or the fact that it will draw on your expertise in AI. Whatever turns you on should be written out in advance and delivered as part of your interview narrative. Get these points out right away. Share with the interviewer how important you understand the position is in the larger scheme of things. You might say I know the critical role this position plays in the department and in the companys communications with key audiences. Asking smart questions about the role is still another way to show enthusiasm in a job interview. You might say, This is a newly created position. How were its responsibilities handled before? Or you might ask Why has this position been created? Questions like this show that you take the job and its role very seriously. 4. USE POSITIVE LANGUAGE Throughout your conversation, make sure to be positive with your language. During your preparation, make a list of words and expressions that convey your enthusiasm for the role and show how well your qualifications fit the position. Use them in the interview. Your list might include, I love the fact that this company is leading the industry. Or I like the scope of the job. Or I know this team has an excellent reputation. Here are other possible expressions: I believe that I have the qualities and experience you are looking for, I feel this is the perfect next step in my career. Avoid negative or hesitant language, such as Im wondering, or I think, or I guess, or Im not sure. And avoid filler expressions like um, ah, and other nonstarters like thats a good question. Your role is to answer questions, not evaluate them. 5. SHOW OPEN BODY LANGUAGE Convey enthusiasm in a job interview with open body language. The physical signals you give can matter as much as what you say. During the conversation your face should have a warm, animated expression, but dont overdo it. When you are talking or when the interviewer responds to what you’ve said, hold your eye contact. Sit with an upright posture. Keep your shoulders back and your chin up. Slouching suggests a lack of enthusiasm. Having great posture displays confidence, and that’s the image you want to portray during the discussion with your potential employer. Keep your arms open, and gesture with your full arms, not with smaller hand gestures. And never fold your armsdoing so will look like you are arming yourself (literally), and that comes across as defensive.
Influencers, how many late payments are you waiting on? Odds are, more than one. Influencer marketing is a booming $10 billion industry, but for creators, inconsistent cash flow remains a major pain point. Brand budgets shift, campaign timelines change, and payments can take months to land. For many influencers who rely on brand deals as their main source of income, financial instability is the norm. According to the Wall Street Journal, fewer than 13% of online influencers earned more than $100,000 last yearwhile nearly half made $15,000 or less. A fintech startup called Alchemy wants to change that. Founded by Isaac Wagschal, the company has launched a $100 million fund to provide creators with upfront payments based on projected future income. Since January, Alchemy has already distributed millions. Growing as a creator takes time, money, and the right opportunities landing in your inbox. But unpredictable income is one of the biggest obstacles to scaling. Some months bring multiple sponsorships; others are completely dry. And while traditional financial institutions are slowly warming to the creator economy, access to capital remains limitedespecially for creators still building their brands. (If youve ever tried asking a bank for a loan as a freelancer, you get it.) Alchemys approach is different. It looks at an influencers full income streambrand deals, Patreon, AdSense, and morethen uses the past six months of earnings to project the next six. Based on that, Alchemy prepurchases a portion of the creators expected revenue, providing a lump-sum payment upfront. A flat fee, typically around 1.15 times the amount advanced, is added. Say a creator is projected to earn $100,000 in the next six months. Alchemy might advance $30,000 by purchasing 30% of that income. When the full $100,000 eventually comes inwhether it takes six months or a yearAlchemy collects its 30%, plus a $4,500 fee. Theres no loan, no interest, and no fixed repayment schedule. If a creator underperforms, Alchemy takes the hit. To streamline the process, Alchemy is partnering with top creator agencies, managers, and influencer platforms to embed its financial tools directly into brand deal workflows. The goal: make upfront payments the industry norm. “The creator economy is booming, yet too many influencers are stuck waiting months for sponsorships and delayed payments to clear,” Wagschal said in a press release. “Creators should have financial access that matches the speed of the digital world.”
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