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2024-09-17 22:10:30| Trade-Ideas Software

Hello traders, Barrie Einarson here from Trade Ideas with another edition of What Makes This Trade Great. Today, were diving into a standout move from our AI, which caught my eye for all the right reasons. Let’s break down what happened with CAPR and why it was such a promising trade. To Subscribe: https://go.trade-ideas.com/SHQUse Promo Code… Source

Category: Investing



2024-09-17 19:52:46| Between the Hedges

Category: Investing


2024-09-17 08:00:00| Trade-Ideas Software

By: Katie Gomez Is Netflix a new meme stock? Netflix, the streaming behemoth that once dominated the entertainment landscape, has been on a rollercoaster ride in recent years. After facing significant challenges in 2022, including subscriber losses and increased competition, Netflix has been quietly staging a comeback in 2023. But is this resurgence based on… Source

Category: Investing


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