The latest WhatsApp beta update for iOS gives users the ability to add and switch between multiple accounts on a single device, according to WABetaInfo. It comes over a year after the feature became available for Android. With version for iOS, users are given a choice when adding a second account to the app, WABetaInfo reports: they can set it up as a standalone primary account or scan a QR code to link the new account as a companion. The update is available now for beta testers through Apples TestFlight program. WhatsApp beta for iOS what's new?WhatsApp is working on a feature to add and manage multiple accounts within the app, and it will be available in a future update!https://t.co/BtvOK2hAZO pic.twitter.com/CWsBGFMS6v WABetaInfo (@WABetaInfo) January 25, 2025 On Android, running two accounts simultaneously on WhatsApp requires a dual-SIM situation, as each account must have its own phone number. WhatsApp does offer another app, WhatsApp Business, that users can set up a second account on using a different phone number, but that still means jumping between two apps. The Android update and whats currently being tested for iOS allow users with two phone numbers to keep all their conversations in one app. This article originally appeared on Engadget at https://www.engadget.com/mobile/whatsapp-could-soon-let-ios-users-have-multiple-accounts-on-one-device-224908618.html?src=rss
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These are the new releases that we picked up this week. This article originally appeared on Engadget at https://www.engadget.com/entertainment/what-to-read-this-weekend-an-immersive-new-work-of-africanfuturism-210001195.html?src=rss
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A new Resident Evil reboot from Barbarian writer and director Zach Cregger is in the works, according to The Hollywood Reporter. The publication reports that Cregger is on board to write and direct the movie, which will be produced by Constantin Film and PlayStation Productions, with Shay Hatten (John Wick: Chapter 4 ) as co-writer. Im probably not the only one questioning whether we really need another Resident Evil movie after half a dozen titles in the Milla Jovovich-led series and 2021s Welcome to Raccoon City, but as someone who loved Barbarian, I cant say Im not intrigued. Per The Hollywood Reporter, Creggers take is described by sources as a revamp that will take the title to its horror roots and be more faithful to the initial games. There arent any details about the upcoming movie beyond that, but Warner Bros., Netflix and two other studios are reportedly in a bidding war for it. This article originally appeared on Engadget at https://www.engadget.com/entertainment/tv-movies/the-filmmaker-behind-barbarian-is-leading-a-new-resident-evil-reboot-173415349.html?src=rss
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