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2024-09-06 15:00:53| Engadget

Telegram has quietly edited its FAQs to remove language stating that it doesn't moderate private and group chats, as reported by CoinDesk. A section with the heading "There's illegal content on Telegram. How do I take it down?" previously stated that content in chats and group chats remains between participants. Now, though, the section says that "all Telegram apps have 'Report' buttons" that will give a way for users to flag illegal content for the app's moderators. Users only have to tap the message on Android, or press and hold it on iOS, and choose the Report option. They can also take note of links to the content they want to report and send an email to the service's takedown email address (abuse@telegram.org).  The change comes after Telegram chief Pavel Durov published his first public comment following his arrest on his channel. Durov was arrested at an airport in France in late August as part of authorities' investigation into the lack of moderation on the app and its failure to curb criminal activities. He was already released from custody, but he was charged with "complicity in distributing child pornography, illegal drugs and hacking software" on the messaging app, as well as "refusing to cooperate with investigations into illegal activity on the Telegram." French authorities apparently told Durov that he was arrested because they didn't receive any responses from Telegram about their investigation. That was surprising, the app's founder explained in his post, because Telegram has an official representative in the EU and an email address publicly available for anyone. He also said that French authorities had numerous ways to reach him for assistance and that he even previously helped them establish a Telegram hotline to address threats of terrorism in the country. In addition, he called the French authorities' decision to "charge a CEO with crimes committed by third parties on the platform" they manage a "misguided approach." No innovators will build ever new tools, he said, he they can be held responsible for the potential abuse of those tools.  Durov also talked about how Telegram defends the basic rights of people, especially in places they're violated. In Russia, for instance, Telegram got banned when the service refused to hand over encryption keys that will allow authorities to spy on users. He said the service takes down "millions of harmful posts and channels every day," publishes transparency reports and maintains direct hotlines with NGOs for urgent moderation requests.  The CEO admits, however, that Telegram has room for improvement. Its "abrupt increase in user count" to 950 million "caused growing pains" that made it easier for criminals to abuse its platform. Telegram aims to "significantly improve things in this regard" and has already started the process internally. Presumably, this change in its rules is part of the messaging service's efforts to address authorities' accusations that it has failed to prevent criminals from using its app. To note, service reported earlier this year that it has 41 million users in the European Union, but officials believe it lied about its user numbers to avoid being regulated under the Digital Services Act (DSA). This article originally appeared on Engadget at https://www.engadget.com/apps/telegram-will-allow-users-report-illegal-content-in-private-chats-130053441.html?src=rss

Category: Marketing and Advertising



2024-09-06 14:30:29| Engadget

You can get a Max subscription at half the amount it costs other subscribers in the US if you're a college or a university student. The streaming service is bringing back its student discount promo that it also offered back in July. If you can verify that you're in college or university with UNiDAYS, you can now get Max with ads, anyway for $5 instead of $10 per month. You can easily sign up for a UNiDAYS account for free if you don't have one yet to be able to grab the deal, as well as promotional offers from other companies like Apple, Microsoft and Uber Eats. After Max verifies your status, you'll get a discount code that you can then redeem for the discounted subscription.  Formerly known as HBO Max, the streaming service offers classic HBO series and newer HBO titles created for streaming. You'll be able to watch HBO Originals like The Last of US, House of the Dragon and Euphoria. But you can also stream old titles in the service's offerings, including Friends, South Park and Rick and Morty. Of course, you'll also be able to watch whatever movies the company has on offer, including Dune and Barbie.  Max will keep charging you the same amount as long as you're a student. You will have to reverify your status every 12 months, however, so you will lose access to the discount eventually. Of course, if you'd rather not watch your shows and movies with commercial breaks, you can get the Ad Free version of Max for $17 a month. The more expensive Ultimate Ad Free version will cost you $21 a month, but it'll allow you to stream on four devices at once instead of just two, to keep 100 downloads for offline viewing instead of just 30 and to stream in 4K UHD, Dolby Atmos, Dolby Vision and HDR 10 for select titles.  Follow @EngadgetDeals on Twitter and subscribe to the Engadget Deals newsletter for the latest tech deals and buying advice.This article originally appeared on Engadget at https://www.engadget.com/entertainment/streaming/max-is-giving-college-students-in-the-us-a-50-percent-discount-again-123029469.html?src=rss

Category: Marketing and Advertising


2024-09-06 14:00:11| Engadget

Puzzle games come in a range of styles, from mindless relaxation machines to hardcore logical quagmires, and we have a little bit of everything in this list. From classics like Threes! and Braid to new-school entries like Lorelei and the Laser Eyes and Escape Academy, theres always a puzzle game to play between meetings, during a slow Sunday afternoon or with a group of friends on the couch. Here weve compiled some of the best puzzle games to activate your brain in new ways or unwind after a long day. Check out our entire Best Games series including the best Nintendo Switch games, the best PS5 games, the best Xbox games, the best PC games and the best free games you can play today. This article originally appeared on Engadget at https://www.engadget.com/gaming/best-puzzle-games-120011342.html?src=rss

Category: Marketing and Advertising


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